New New Year, New Me

Hi Beautiful! πŸ€—πŸ’ž

So as we're rolling into June and things are slowly opening back up, I'm like, "what just happened??!!" 😳


If you're anything like me, you've been nose to the grindstone just trying to make a little sense of what's going on - not only in your personal life but also in the WORLD on a grander scale.

And Honey, it hasn't been easy! I hear ya! 😡

My friends Jenna and Ashley over at the Middle Finger to Perfection podcast are onto something in their latest episode. They've dubbed July 2021 the New New Year.

I love that! Because January 2021?? Nope. Didn't give us the warm and fuzzies most new years bring. Like for real, for real! πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

How about taking a mindful moment to reflect on how you want the next few months to play out

Grab yourself your favorite beverage in your favorite mug or glass, (that would be coffee in my "Blessed Mama" mug for me πŸ˜‰), your journal, and block out just ten minutes to tap into your intuition. 

Use my Financial Goals with Soul framework to help:

  • S - settle on your bandwidth 

  • O - optimize your time

  • U - utilize your money, in order to

  • L - live your best life

So tell me, based on your bandwidth, time, and money, what does your best life look like in the next coming months?

My bandwidth bucket has been pretty depleted lately to the point where some major anxiety is kicking up. 😣

That means I'll be looking at how I can leverage my time and money as much as possible in this season: delegate as many tasks as I can; pay for convenient grocery pick up or delivery; and schedule monthly chiropractor and massage visits to keep my back happy.

What about you? What are you dreaming up for the rest of 2021?

Love ya! πŸ€—πŸ’ž
