The KonMari Method for Money

Hey, hey, Sis!

How's it going?

I'm not gonna lie to ya. 2020 has been a slow start for me. I've got some juicy things in the works for you and you know how it is...I want it all together NOW! πŸ€ͺ

That's how it can be with money decisions too, right? 

We get bombarded with the daily emails: 

"Buy this online course and ALL your dreams will come true!" (cue the chimy fairy bells)

And I'm not here to say, "don't buy another.single.thing the rest of your life!" βœ‹πŸ›‘

Because you know what? That course, product, or service may very well be exactly what you need right now.

Going through Marisa Corcoran's Copy Confidence Society program and hiring Carly Merryweather as my virtual assistant have been pivotal in my business success. 

But, I also was duped out of a lot of money (for me) recently. Womp, womp. 😣 

Long story short, I didn't listen to my intuition and got slammed. (More on that in a future newsletter.)

So, how DO you decide what to buy? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Marie Kondo developed a way to streamline your living spaces by getting rid of anything that doesn't spark joy in your life.

I like to take a KonMari approach to money.

When you're thinking of making a purchase, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why am I buying this? Will it bring me joy?

  2. Do I have the time to dedicate to this right now? (from completing a course to assembling a product, if applicable)

  3. Do I have the energy? (Is it worth saving the pick up cost for groceries if I'm wiped out after work?)

  4. Do I have the money for this right now? (Is this something that can wait until there's more cash flow?)

I'll be going into more detail with each of these steps and so many more amazing tips on my instagram: @frogosaselitesolutions πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

I’ve worked hard to make it a safe place where women who are recovering perfectionists and people pleasers πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ can come together to create unique, SUSTAINABLE money goals so they can bask in financial freedom.

No drill sergeant budget checklists here! πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

If we're not friends yet, let's connect, Chica!

Kat πŸ€—πŸ’ž