Keeping It Real

Hi, Love! 

Just keeping it real today. My emotions are ALL over the place! Like for real, for real. πŸ€ͺ

How about you? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

I've been blessed that 60% of my worklife is online. So when quarantine measures hit, I already had my technology and work from home routine set.

But this global shift feels so heavy. 😫

The employees at my day gig are frustrated with tech snafus and feeling the anxiety of working from home while taking care of children. 😳

You might be feeling the same. And if you're an empath, you may think you're ok, but you're picking up everyone's "stuff." πŸ₯΄

I wanted to share what's helped me. 

And before you say, "wait, Kathy. I thought you're a money and abundance coach. What does this have to do with money?" πŸ’Έ

A lot, actually. 

Because when you're anxious, 9 times out of 10, it turns into or its root cause is money anxiety. If you can't get the mind gremlins under control, you're more likely to make money decisions you wouldn't otherwise:

  • numbing out and shopping on Amazon for stuff you think you need but are really impulse buys

  • hoarding things out of fear - which actually blocks your abundance, Sis πŸ™„

  • becoming paralyzed and not filing your taxes when you're due a refund (the filing date was extended to July 15 by the way, but file now if you're due a refund) 

  • procrastinating and not submitting unemployment docs

So, how DO we keep anxiety at bay? πŸ€”

I gleaned so much from these badass women. They have really helped me untangle my emotions and work on ways to feel less foggy right now - all virtually through their podcasts.

Take a few minutes to check out these episodes:

Middle Finger to Perfection with Jenna Teague and Ashley Looker - episodes Let's Connect and The Key to Self Love. 

Over It and On With It with Christine Hassler - CC: Stress Less & Guided Meditation with Emily Fletcher.

Your Kick Ass Life with Andrea Owen - episodes 325 and 326 How to Cope in Uncertain Times Parts 1 and 2.

And remember, through all of this, treat yourself with compassion and tap into your intuition. She has your back. πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ

Love ya! πŸ€—πŸ’•


Carly Merryweather