Staying motivated? Say what??

Hey, Love!

Can I hear an amen if you are TIRED of hearing that this time of self isolation is your chance to be the most productive you’ve ever been? 😫

Like for real, for real. 😒

For a bit there, any day where I was able to get through the day without spontaneously bursting into tears was a good day!

Even though I’ve felt a bit of a shift in the last few weeks where I feel like I’m hitting my stride, I’m still “not ok.” 

And I’m the first to tell you, Babe, that it’s ok not to be ok. 🧘‍♀️

I wanted to share with you what has helped me feel some type of stability in case it may help you.

☝️Setting a self care morning routine

I'm an early bird; always have been. But I can't say I've always made good use of my "alone time."

I've experimented with meditating, journaling, and yoga and have found I have a much smoother day when I do these at the start of my day. 

Notice that I said that I experimented. That's because I've found, and I'm sure you will too, what works for someone else may not work for me. 

And that's ok! Take what works and chuck what doesn't.

Don't keep trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. 🙅‍♀️ (P.S. This is the cornerstone of my Financial Goals with Soul program. Do YOU, Boo!)

✌️Writing down the top 3 priorities for the day. Only 3.

I am SUPER busy these days! 😱

It's a great problem to have income-wise, but it can get overwhelming at times.

My lifesaver has been to focus on the three most important things I need to get done for the day. 

These are the "if I get this shit done, then I'm walking on sunshine" priorities. 💃

And I don't only prioritize work items. If I find that I'm skimping on my water intake, which in turn makes me sluggish and hinders my productivity, it goes on the list.

👌Tracking my self care habits

I have found that it's easier for me to stick to my self care habits when I track them. 

I don't have anything fancy because I know myself. I'll get so distracted with my tracker that I'll use the time allotted to my self care to creating beautiful bullet journal trackers. 

Oh yes. I'm THAT girl. 🤭

So there you have it, Chicas. This is what's been working for me these days.

Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated during these crazy times?

Hit me up! I'd love to know! Let's chat over on Instagram.

Love ya! 🤗💕


Carly Merryweather