But, I've been invisible my whole life! 🙈

Tina, the photographer, started cuing me for my photoshoot when I bursted out in tears, "I can't do this! I've been invisible my WHOLE life!" 


Can you relate? From as long as I can remember, I’ve heard the words “be nice, stay quiet, don’t bring attention to yourself, be careful what you say because you know how people talk, etc. etc. etc." 😣

After a lifetime of people pleasing, perfectionism, and doing all the "right things," I was lost. I was so disconnected from who I truly was that I couldn’t tell you my favorite food, music, or what style of clothes I liked! 

Like for real, for real, starting this whole public online business thing is CRUNCHY for me, even after three years! 

So why do I do it? Because dear reader, it is my life mission that women feel GOOD about money so that they have options. And in order to have options, you can’t be afraid of money. 🤷‍♀️

Money opens doors:

  • You want to go on yearly vacations now that the kids are out of the house? You need the money, Honey, to fund it.

  • You want to get your graduate degree or nab that certification to advance your career or business? You need  a plan to pay for it.

  • You want to leave an emotionally abusive marriage? You need a money plan to get a fresh start.

  • You want to retire soon? You need to know how much money you need to live comfortably into old age.

Women can figure anything out. I’ve been there.

I was a mama of two living in an emotionally abusive marriage; one filled with a ton of gaslighting. Finally one day I asked myself, "am I living the life I truly want and deserve?" The answer was a resounding "no!" 

I had to get out. But I knew the only way to do that was to have my financial house in order. I worked my ass off getting where I was in my career and I didn't want that falling apart. 

I got clear on what I was bringing in, set up a separate bank account, and built up my savings until the day I could say with a clear conscience, "I'm done."

Those were tough days. I was turning my back on everything I was taught a "good Christian, Latina girl" was supposed to do or be. 

What got me through? Self compassion and hope. Self compassion when I didn't get it right with my kids, when I'd forget an important bill, or when I'd splurge a little and blow my budget. 

And hope for a life that would light me up and where the true me could finally emerge. That’s what I want for you too.

After my little cry at the photo shoot, I remembered why I’m doing all of this: to empower women with money so they have options to live their best lives. And that makes it all worth it!

Love you! 😘

P.S. You can check out some of those infamous photo shoot pics on my website and let me know what you think. 🤭