Lessons learned…

What do you get when you cross a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser with a global pandemic and much needed social uprising movement? 🤔

Yeah. That has been me. And still me depending on the day! 😆

And it took me a hot minute to get it "together."

I say that in quotes because getting it together to me may look a lot different than it does to you. 

And that's absolutely ok!

Here's what I have learned during this time of uncertainty and deep reflection:

☝️Mama loves her personal space. If given the opportunity to stay in or go out, I'll ALWAYS pick staying in. 
Introvert heaven!

✌️Accepting imperfection is freeing. Now more than ever, I KNOW perfection is a myth. How many of us had the "perfect" vision for 2020? 
Well played, Universe. Well played! 

👌I'm getting super clear on my non-negotiables. This global timeout has made me realize, I really don't like to color my hair. I'm not about the money or time cost.

That being said, this Chica decided to say "fuck it society! I like the salt and pepper and I'm going to rock it from now on." 💃😎

This one decision has saved me 12 hours and $864 a year. 😳🤯

Thank you S.O.U.L. framework for prompting me to ask myself if I'm optimizing my time and utilizing my money in the best way that FEELS good to ME. ✅

So tell me, Loves. What have you learned during this global wake up call? Comment and let me know!

P.S. What do you think of the new do? 🤭
