Life happens. Sometimes it sucks. πŸ˜‘

I grew up in a home where anxiety and worry was more of the norm than trust and security. Needless to say, the more little Kathy thought she could control, the safer she felt. 😬

I mapped out my whole life by the time I was a freshman in high school. The master plan: go to college, get married, have kids, all while having a kick ass career.

Everything seemed to be on track until a month before our wedding my fiance called (from out of state, by the way) that he just couldn't go through with it. I had been engaged to this man since my freshman year in college. And he was calling our wedding off. 😳🀬

All my plans? *Poof.* 


But isn’t that life? Sometimes we create the best plans and then the rug gets pulled right from under us:

  • You’re finally getting traction in your biz when COVID hits and...crickets. πŸ˜”

  • You’re closing on your house at a profit and the buyer’s funding falls through two days before the scheduled closing. Here comes another month of paying two mortgage payments. πŸ’Έ

  • Your washer dies and two weeks later your dryer decides to go too. They were an old married couple until the end. πŸ‘« I can picture Dryer saying now, "Washer, if you’re done, I’m done.” πŸ™„

Life happens. Sometimes it sucks. πŸ˜‘

But what if instead of scrambling every time a money emergency hits, it could be different?

Imagine only worrying about the time inconvenience and not the money crunch because you have an emergency fund set aside precisely for crazy one offs that pop up?

"I get it, Kat. I know I'm supposed to have an emergency fund. But I'm having trouble sticking to a budget."

If this is you, let's talk. Let's flesh out your situation, work with your natural tendency, and come up with a money map that makes sense for YOU. 

Just like restrictive diets don't work, drill sergeant budgets don't either. 

Don't wait any longer. Come away from the call with clear first action steps to get you going on a path of financial security.

Love ya!

Kat πŸ€—πŸ’ž

P.S. After years of living, I now believe things happen for a reason. My ex-fiance? Whew! I dodged that bullet! πŸ€­πŸ˜‚

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