Try differently, not harder 😌

"Katita, if you keep screaming like that none of the other little girls will play with you." 🥺🥺🥺

Thus began my journey of people pleasing, playing small, and staying under the radar.

Mom didn't mean for her comment to affect me the way it did. She didn't know that I was just so excited about EVERYTHING that I couldn't contain myself and so I would literally squeal in delight. 🤭


I tried so hard to be liked. It was exhausting! 

"Oh no! Did she take that comment I said the wrong way?" 😬

"I rather he ignored me than be mad at me." 🙄

I wish I knew about my mantra, try differently, not harder back then.

I would have learned strategies to keep the people pleasing at bay that worked for ME.

If you have ADHD, you are trying hard every day…even when you are unable to get out of bed. I KNOW you're trying.

So my love, don't get frustrated when you try the same strategies over and over and still can't pay your bills on time or start your emergency savings. 

This only leads to frustration and the shame spiral. 

Try something different.

Financial Goals with Soul for the ADHD Brain is coming your way in May 2022. You will learn different ways to work WITH your ADHD brain so you can meet your financial goals.

Stay tuned for more details.

Until next time! 🤗💞


P.S. I’d be happy to jump on a free 30 minute call with anyone to discuss my ADHD journey: how I got diagnosed, what seems to work and doesn't for me, some priceless ADHD hacks that have kept me sane.

P.P.S. Since no one has the energy to carry around money shame, check out my guided meditation and let that money regret go! 😘